

Page history last edited by Connie Crosby 14 years, 10 months ago

The Emerging Technologies Interest Group presents a "Library Camp" pre-conference at CLA 2009!


The morning sessions will include presentations by John Fink (McMaster University), Jason Hammond (Regina Public Library), and Jessamyn West (yes THE Jessamyn West of librarian.net)

The afternoon will be an "unconference", where participants will share and learn on a variety of topics pre-determined by the group. (Note: this is not a "sage on the stage" afternoon – come armed with a curious nature and a will to participate.)


Speaker: Jessamyn West, John Fink, Jason Hammond

Location: Palais des congrès McGill University Library Cyberthèque (Maps from the Palais des Congrès area to McGill)

Date: Friday, May 29, 2009

Registration Fee: $100.00 $40.00 (cash please, a receipt will be given)

Registration Includes: Morning & afternoon coffee breaks (thanks to Janine Schmidt, Trenholme Director of Libraries, McGill University)


Presentation material, "twittering" & blog posts about Etig Camp in the "coverage" section


Library camp notes!


To register, please add your name to the list of attendees


Suggest a session for the afternoon


Schedule now available!


Lunch is good - here are some places where you can find some tasty foods. Also check out the list of restos (PDF) prepared by the lovely WILU folks.

Comments (1)

Connie Crosby said

at 11:14 am on Jan 14, 2010

Spam posted by james.bruk@email.com and Ben Smith removed.

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