John Fink is the Digital Technologies Development Librarian at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He has been involved in open source systems in libraries since 1995. His research interests include open source software and copyright. He holds a B.A. in English from Miami University and an MLIS from San Jose State University. He blogs at woefully long intervals at
Jason Hammond is the Organization Development Specialist at Regina Public Library. He's been in the job for nine months and still has no idea what that means. He does however know that his request to have "OD Specialist" printed on his business cards was rejected. Jason's favourite piece of technology is his Hipster PDA. He also spends way too much time wondering if his two-year old son will regret all those pictures and clips his dad put up of him on Flickr and YouTube.
Jessamyn West is a community technology librarian and a moderator of the massive group blog She lives in a rural area of Central Vermont where she teaches basic computer skills. She assists tiny libraries with technology planning and implementation, helping them with wifi and websites and making sense of their systems. She maintains an online presence at and and has had her address and phone number on the Internet for a decade. Her favorite color is orange.
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